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How Appreciate The Design

How Appreciate The DesignNowadays, it is not era to appreciate the work of others with inexpensive prices. All around us cannot be separated from the logo or design, whether at home, on the road, or office. Why are there logo and design are rewarded with cheaper prices?? Why still an offer inexpensive design?? Whether due many logo and design makers?? Is it because of the lack of respect for other people’s work??

Being a designer is highly complex. It takes creativity, innovation and tries something new because the design is an abstract world and benchmark good or bad.  Design is not just the composition of colors, images or effects of advanced computer software.

Give Your Design Free If Not Sold

Standardization of a work of the design must be as high as the price of the design cannot be predicted. You have to get out of the circle of price competition inexpensive design. Provide a high price on a piece of design, starting from you by changing the mindset of selling design with a high price.

Never ever sell your design at a low price. If your design is not sold, give it free. Free does not mean degrading your work, but to sell yourself in an appropriate manner without any nicknames designer with inexpensive design.

Be A Designer, Be A Different

Designer must have a code ethics, which the client cannot come in and interfere in matters relating to privacy, and it is the principle of the profession as a designer. What happens if the client interferes in the composition, grid or layout design?? You can easily see on the street advertising, website or product design that weird and unusual.

Being a professional designer does not just rely on a piece of design, but is able to sell themselves and dare to give a decision for the client, Yes or No. Despite clients provide income, but you must have the courage act to the client that can ruin a professional designer.

Be proud to be a designer that capable of creating a design, without fear of innovation, creativity, a barometer of change of life, social and cultural good, with a design that was not the inexpensive design.

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